How to check your MALL tokens?

If you are a MALL holder and want to check your MALL status, here is your all detailed guideline

Step 1: Visit your right Smart Contract. For instance, if you are our Seed Investor, you must go to the Smart Contract for Seed Sale
Step 2: Click userInfo and Type your valid address 0xc45dd89f67AA9a4B8e7CBBc607580C5A764203D8

Step 3: Click Query and you can check your MALL amount and your status by reading the smart contract.

Here are some definitions you must note:
1. Cliff: Lock-up period after 1st claiming (For Seed Investor Only) counted by seconds.
2. firstRelease: % release after 1st claiming
3. startTime: the exact time to start claiming calculated by timestamp
4. timePerPeriod: 1 period will be calculated by seconds (1 month)
7. totalPeriods: total claiming periods